By admin on April 7, 2016
Amazon’s same-day delivery service is today seeing a notable expansion here in the U.S. The online retailer announced this morning that same-day delivery, which is available to members of its $99 annual Prime membership program, is now live in 11 more metropolitan areas and is rolling out to more neighborhoods in the markets where it […]
By admin on April 6, 2016

Amazon announced this morning a plan to spread adoption of its payments service, Amazon Payments, to more third-party websites. With the launch of its Amazon Payments Global Partner Program, the retailer will help e-commerce platform providers and other developers integrate with Amazon Payments so their own merchants can offer the option to “Pay with Amazon” at […]
By admin on April 5, 2016

E-readers may not be the most exciting space in tech these days, but some of us still find a place for them in our lives — and it is we happy few whom Jeff Bezos announced, with enthusiasm palpable, that new Kindle hardware is just around the corner. Heads up readers – all-new, top of […]
By admin on April 4, 2016

Amazon this morning announced an expansion of its Dash Buttons product line – those Wi-Fi connected, push-button devices that let you buy products from its site with just a press. One year after the buttons went live, and apparently not the April Fool’s joke people once imagined, Amazon says it now has over 100 buttons […]
By admin on March 30, 2016

Amazon’s voice-operated command center Echo produces something close to modern-day magic within our homes: Get the latest news, order a pizza, turn off the lights or find out who killed Bruce Wayne’s parents in fewer than 1,200 milliseconds. The Echo has received more than 33,000 Amazon reviews at a nearly five-star rating since launching in late 2014 and […]
By admin on March 29, 2016

Amazon’s Kindle, and its less popular e-reader brethren, are great for fiction, but trying to consume content that isn’t meant to be enjoyed from cover to cover is an exercise in annoyance, frustration and misery. That’s a shame, because it doesn’t have to be that way. Take travel books for example. When trekking across the globe, lugging around four-and-a-half pounds worth of […]
By admin on March 24, 2016

Last year, Amazon announced a set of tools that allowed third-party developers to integrate its virtual assistant Alexa, which today powers devices like the Echo speaker and Fire TV, into their own apps. Now, the company has introduced a number of improvements to one of these tools, Alexa Voice Services (AVS), which will enable a variety […]
By admin on March 23, 2016

NFL Films has just announced a new television series destined for Amazon Video called All or Nothing. The idea here is to show the behind-the-scenes reality of a team of professional football players, coaches and staff as they live through an NFL season, with all the week-by-week drama that includes. The show will air exclusively […]
By admin on March 22, 2016

Amazon is now reselling Comcast’s Internet and television service on its site, via a newly launched section called Amazon Cable Store – a branding that implies Comcast may be the first of other cable providers yet to come. The Cable Store allows customers to browse a variety of packages, from Internet-only deals up to combined Internet/TV/phone […]
By admin on March 21, 2016

Amazon is making it difficult to pre-order the $90 Echo Dot. But there’s still a way, and it’s really easy to nab your place in line for the new mini Echo. Better hurry, though. Amazon could close this loophole at any moment. To pre-order the Echo Dot: Open the Amazon iOS shopping app Search for “Echo […]